Started 3 months ago by BLaCkShaDoW in Other
We have a new forum for you.
We have a new forum. The bad part is that the users registered in the forum are gone. The good part is that you can reply without being registered but I think it could be a good idea to register too :D
If there are any bugs, please let me know.
4 Replies
Replied 2 weeks ago
Hi, I bought BlackRadio.tcl and I have mailed you about it, its only respond on 1 commands, !dj - no other commands are ignored. I running eggdrop 1-9.5, shoutcast V2 at home on a public ip, all are set in the script. but no respond on commands, any suggestion ?
Its working now, issue was a extra "." in Ip:port
Replied 2 weeks ago
Hi, I bought BlackRadio.tcl and I have mailed you about it, its only respond on 1 commands, !dj - no other commands are ignored. I running eggdrop 1-9.5, shoutcast V2 at home on a public ip, all are set in the script. but no respond on commands, any suggestion ?