BlackTrivia.tcl Issue

Started 1 month ago by Kalin in TCL Support

Hello from Bulgaria, We are trying to properly configure BlackTrivia.tcl but are encountering some difficulties. The TCL script is loaded on an insta...


Hello from Bulgaria,

We are trying to properly configure BlackTrivia.tcl but are encountering some difficulties. The TCL script is loaded on an installed eggdrop version 1.8.3. Correct FTP credentials for accessing the web server where the generated file should be uploaded have been set in the TCL, as well as a connection to the database. Both the FTP credentials and the database details are correct. When correct answers to questions are given in the channel where the bot is running, the information is recorded correctly in the database, but the file that should be generated in the directory /home/myuser/TriviaBot/scripts/BlackTrivia/HTML/ is empty and is also not being uploaded via FTP to the specified server.

Attached is the configuration we have created:

#Mysql hostname
set trivia(sql_hostname) ""

#Mysql database name
set trivia(sql_dbname) "triviasqldb"

#Mysql username
set trivia(sql_username) "triviasqluser"

#Mysql password
set trivia(sql_password) "triviasqlpass"
#Import data from old trivia scores and stats files to database ? (1- yes ; 0 - no)
#Be carefull, the database the mySQL tables must be empty.
set trivia(old_import) "1"

############################### WEB CONFIG ##################################
#Use HTML Generator to generate webpage ? (1 -yes ; 0 - no)
set trivia(html_generator_stat) "1"

#Set here the webpage name (<mypage>.php)
set trivia(html_webpage) "index.php"

#Set here some links you would like to appear on webpage under the "links"

set trivia(html_links_webpage) {

#Use FTP to upload the generated page ? (1 -yes ; 0 - no)
set trivia(web_ftp_use) "1"

#FTP host for upload
set trivia(web_ftp_host) ""

#FTP username
set trivia(web_ftp_user) "triviaftpuser"

#FTP password
set trivia(web_ftp_pass) "triviaftppass"

#FTP location to upload
set trivia(web_ftp_location) "web/"

#FTP time period for uploading webpage (will generate and upload) (minutes)
#if trivia(html_generator_stat) is set to 1

set trivia(web_ftp_upload_time) "1"
############################## TRIVIA CONFIG ###############################

#Trivia channel
set trivia(channel) "#Trivia"

I would like to note that both the MySQL database and the FTP account are on a server that is also under my control. 
There are no imposed restrictions on it, and both the connection to the database and the FTP connection via the console work properly.
Could you please provide information on what we might be missing and what additional steps we need to take to make your script work as expected?

Tags: Blacktrivia

1 Replies

  • Replied 1 month ago



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